Our Message

We are living at an amazing time in human history. A turning point is approaching, one where a critical mass of enlightened individuals will have a significant influence on how human culture evolves. One where Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Compassion will flow naturally from individuals and will form the basis upon which we grow our communities. It will be these elevated emotions that are the governing agency for both individual and societal interactions. The old ego-driven, negative emotions of hate, greed, fear, anger, aggression, and feelings of separation (among others) will no longer shape how our governments, businesses and communities are run. In recent years, with the proliferation of technology around the world, electronic media has facilitated the spread of the traditional spiritual philosophies of enlightenment, as well as the practicum of how to realize enlightenment in a modern society. More and more contemporary teachers have arisen and are shining a new light on the traditional spiritual philosophies of enlightenment. This new light often incorporates cutting-edge theories in quantum physics and human biology and are making the traditional practice of meditation, and other paths to enlightenment, more approachable and relatable to millions of people. Whether it be through these modern or traditional approaches, there is a growing awakening of our collective consciousness. More people than ever before are living in a heightened state of consciousness and are experiencing oneness, connection, and community rather than separation, stress, and suffering.

That’s the good news! Unfortunately, the number of people who are on this path to enlightenment is still the minority. The technology that has provided widespread and easy access to information concerning the benefits of meditation, and to techniques for experiencing a life lived through elevated emotions, is the same technology that has been used to trap others in separation and suffering. This multi-media technology has been used to spread fear, hate, anger, aggression and anxiety through false and misleading news articles. 

The current state of extreme politics, and the concomitant breakdown of many of our societal institutions, as well as the environment, has more people than ever before looking for answers and a new path forward. 

Our goal is to help in putting some of the resources necessary for a path forward to a more peaceful, loving, joyful, harmonious and compassionate society front and centre for all to see and use.


Loving Kindness,



Don't stop here.  Check out some of these videos. A lot of great work is being done to facilitate change for a more harmonious planet.