Trump's Assault on Canada
We understand that the majority of Americans, and the world, are appalled by the actions and policies of Trump, his billionaire buddies and the MAGA Republicans.
So are we and it's time to take action!
Our appeal is for help in keeping Canada a strong, free, and compassionate democracy.
Our appeal is for help in ending the politics of hate, fear, anger and aggression.
Canada will soon be going to the polls (no later than October 2025) to elect our next Prime Minister and Members of Parliament. Unfortunately, after years of American propaganda here in Canada, one of the leading candidates for Prime Minister is another of these hate-filled characters in the mould of Donald Trump. The world needs politicians whose decisions and policies will uplift all people, and whose decisions are guided by the ideals of peace, love, joy, harmony and compassion. While the USA is committed to another 4 years (hopefully not more) of leadership from a President devoid of these qualities, Canada can still elect a government we can all be proud of.
Canada has long been an ally and great friend to the United States, but in recent years, Trump and his billionaire buddies (spearheaded by Elon Musk) have been pouring millions of dollars into Canada attempting to corrupt our democracy. Trump and his group of greed-obsessed narcissistic billionaires recognize that a strong, free, and compassionate government in Canada is a threat to their aggressive expansionist ideals and a roadblock to these billionaires gaining exclusive rights to Canada’s natural resources. They also recognize that a strong, free, and compassionate government in Canada can be a threat to their solidifying total control in the USA and a roadblock to the rise in fascism worldwide. Canada is in a unique position to influence American politics. Canada has a wealth of strategic resources that are necessary to America, in addition, Canada wields significant economic influence on the American economy as it is the USA’s largest trading partner. Canada can play a key strategic role in a return to a strong, free and compassionate democracy in the USA, ending its slide into fascism, but only if Canada remains a strong, free and compassionate democracy.
The goal for Trump and his buddies has been to help elect Canadian politicians sympathetic to their fascist ideals. In Canada, as they did in the US, they are sponsoring the spread of lies and conspiracy theories across all Canadian media platforms. They are fanning the flames of hate, anger, fear and aggression in the voting public. As in the US, these lies and conspiracy theories are not about policy but, rather, about creating heightened levels of anxiety in the people. They know that when you can control a person’s emotions, then you can control the person. When anxiety is heightened and maintained by a constant bombardment of negative news, hormones of stress are released that inhibit the analytical, the creative, and the compassionate brain. With the brain thus inhibited, people become more and more susceptible to ever more outlandish lies (exactly what we saw in America – “They are eating the dogs, they are eating the cats”). At this point, rational debate is no longer possible - the result being an afflicted people who vote for whatever candidate promises to make these ‘scary’, and totally fabricated, threats go away (no matter how despicable that candidate may be, nor how appalling the actions designed to subdue the perceived threats may be). Unfortunately, as we saw in the US, these tactics are effective in manipulating a significant portion of the voting public.
In Canada, at the federal level, many members of the Progressive Conservative party are being supported by the same billionaires that support Trump and the MAGA republicans. These American supporters are promoting the same tactics of lies and conspiracy theories to help the Progressive Conservative party form the next government in Canada. American money and propaganda have been pouring into Canada since Trump’s first term and, currently, a leading candidate to become Canada’s next Prime Minister is a Progressive Conservative Member of Parliament named Pierre Poilievre. Poilievre has been very supportive of Trump since Trump’s first term. Poilievre’s support has continued despite Trumps recent appalling actions within the USA, and despite the recent aggressive tactics taken by Trump against Canada related to tariffs and his “51st State” comments. Poilievre has said almost nothing about Trump’s appalling policies and actions. He is blatantly sympathetic to Trump’s fascist ideals (as are many in his Progressive Conservative party) and he has a strong track record of engaging in the same politics of hate, fear, anger and aggression. Just as Trump and the MAGA Republicans don’t represent traditional conservative ideals, neither do the majority of the Progressive Conservative candidates in Canada. These candidates have abandoned discussing policy (as did the Republicans) and, instead, engage in lies and deception designed to fan the flames of hate, fear, anger and aggression. They view these tactics as a legitimate means to gain political power. They don’t care what the consequence of propagating heightened anxiety is for the individuals afflicted (negative health affects and breakdowns in family relationships, for example). The perpetual consumption of negative news (distributed through a complicit media) is leading more and more individuals to live their lives unconsciously and the result is a population divided and a breakdown of our sense of community.
While American democracy is in serious decay, it is not too late for Canada to stand strong. We cannot allow Elon Musk, who publicly and unapologetically flashes Nazi salutes, and others like him, to corrupt another nation. Many of us had parents or grandparents who sacrificed everything fighting against Nazis. It is unbelievable that we are, again, having to rally against such evil. We, at CriticalMass108, are working to bring to light the lies and manipulation of the fascist sympathizers dressing up as politicians here in Canada.
Our Goal for this Campaign
CriticalMass108 does not get involved in partisan politics nor advocate for specific policies. We support a strong, free and compassionate democracy both in Canada and the USA. We support politicians and business leaders who have demonstrated the basic human values of peace, love, joy, harmony and compassion. We support those who use their positions of privilege to elevate people and their communities.
Short term, considering the impending federal election in Canada, CriticalMass108 will work to shine a light on those politicians in Canada perpetuating lies and conspiracy theories designed to heighten anxiety in the voting public. We will expose politicians that talk little about policy and focus, instead, on stirring up the emotions of hate, fear, anger and aggression. We will expose politicians who have a history of supporting Trump and his style of fascist governing.
Our efforts will focus on a strong social media presence across many platforms as well as a regionally targeted print media campaigns CriticalMass108 has partnered with recent college graduates in the fields of video production, journalism, fundraising, and social media marketing. These graduates are anxious to both be employed, and to participate in a cause that they are passionate about and directly affects their futures.
CriticalMass108 works with volunteers who are identifying relevant chat rooms and comment boards to participate in. We do not engage in trolling. Rather, these volunteers engage with positive messages. They spread content designed to uplift individuals. We do attempt to expose corporate, political and special interest sponsored trolls within these platforms. We believe that when trolls are identified and exposed within a chat room that they are less effective, and their message is nullified.
CriticalMass108 is looking to ally itself with strategic groups/influencers to work cooperatively in promoting a pro-democracy message as well as to promote the ideals of peace, love, Joy, harmony and compassion as a societal norm of conduct within politics, the corporate arena and within our communities.
The goal is to create co-operation between organizations and to help expose more of the public to these organizations. With a critical mass of people sharing the ideals of peace, love, joy, harmony and compassion we hope to accelerate an evolution in society that is of greater benefit to all.
All money donated goes to the production of our social media and print campaigns and the salaries of staff.